EUROSPINE Patient Line

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Posibles causas de ciática


El nervio ciático es el nervio más voluminoso del organismo y se extiende desde la zona lumbar de la espalda, debajo de las nalgas y hacia abajo por las caderas hacia cada pierna. “Ciática” significa que el nervio ciático está comprimido o irritado y provoca dolor que puede variar de leve a intenso y hormigueo en las piernas. El dolor puede empeorar al estornudar, toser o permanecer sentado durante largos periodos de tiempo. La ciática es un síntoma de un trastorno de la columna vertebral y no un trastorno de la columna vertebral en sí.
The Patient Line website offers information for patients with spinal conditions:
Sciatica, back pain, spinal stenosis, disc herniation, scoliosis and many other spine conditions explained in a clear reliable, and trustworthy way. Not for profit EUROSPINE experts are here to help patients and their families understand what may be worrying them.

EUROSPINE is a society of spine specialists of various disciplines with a large knowledge of spine pathologies. All well-known and accepted treatment modalities for spine pathologies are represented by the members of the society. However, the Society cannot accept any responsibility for the use of the information provided; the user and their health care professionals must retain responsibility for their health care management.
website by bestview gmbh
page last updated on 29.09.2017